
Cuomo’s Flip-Flopping Desperation: Why Both Parties Want Him to Fade into Obscurity

It seems like former Governor Andrew Cuomo can’t make up his mind these days. The guy has been giving off some serious mixed signals by testing the waters for another run, but can’t seem to decide which political party he wants to represent. Well, here’s a newsflash for Cuomo: the Republican party doesn’t want any part of his flip-flopping nonsense. After all the scandals and controversy surrounding his time in office, it’s safe to say that Cuomo should probably just call it quits and fade into obscurity.

The last thing the good folks in the GOP need is a wishy-washy former Democrat trying to cozy up to their party just to save face. It’s time for Cuomo to realize that his political career is over and no amount of indecisiveness is going to change that.

Written by Staff Reports

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