
DA Willis’ Scandal Deepens: Love, Lies, and Taxpayer Dimes?

District Attorney Fani Willis of Fulton County, well-known for her corruption allegations, finally broke her silence on Friday, leaving more questions unanswered than before. While Willis confirmed her “personal relationship” with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, whom she appointed to work on the case against former President Donald Trump, she vehemently denied any financial benefit from awarding him a lucrative contract. However, co-defendant Michael Roman took issue with several of Willis’ claims and filed a response contesting her denial. So, let’s dive into the unanswered questions surrounding this scandalous affair.

First, why did Nathan Wade file for divorce the day after his contract with Willis began? In an affidavit, Wade claimed that his relationship with Willis didn’t start until 2022, after he was hired. However, Roman’s motion calls this into question, stating that witnesses have knowledge that their relationship started before Wade’s appointment. They even claimed that Wade and Willis lived together at various locations, including a taxpayer-funded AirBNB serving as a “safe house.” Yikes! It seems there’s more going on than meets the eye.

Next, is Wade even qualified for his position? Wade provided a list of accomplishments to dispute Roman’s claim of his incompetence, but Roman argued that Wade hasn’t proven anything. There are also concerns about Wade’s previous role in Cobb County, where he represented the sheriff at an exorbitant rate. However, Wade’s performance during an investigation into deaths in a county jail was heavily criticized, as he kept no work product and provided little evidence of proper investigation protocols. Cindi Yeager, co-chief assistant District Attorney in Cobb County, expressed doubts about Wade’s qualifications for such a high-profile case. And frankly, who can blame her?

Why is Willis so against gaining further clarity? Willis requested the judge dismiss Roman’s motion without holding a hearing, which goes against Georgia law. Roman argues that it’s crucial to cross-examine Wade and present witnesses who will contradict his testimony. Willis’ response accuses Roman’s attorney of attempting to embarrass and harass her personally, but isn’t the truth worth pursuing, regardless of personal feelings? It seems like Willis wants to avoid facing tough questions about her actions.

Speaking of personal expenses, how much did Wade pay for the couple’s luxurious trips? Wade claimed that travel expenses were divided equally between them, and Willis occasionally paid using her own funds. However, there is little evidence to support this claim. Bank statements from Wade’s divorce case show purchases made by Wade in Willis’ name, suggesting he footed the bill for their romantic getaways. If Willis was indeed using taxpayer money for personal travel, it would be a gross abuse of power.

Lastly, Willis’ lack of transparency is becoming increasingly concerning. She failed to disclose a plane ticket purchased by Wade, as well as any other travel expenses he may have covered. Additionally, a whistleblower claimed that Willis was aware of potential misuse of federal grant funds, but took no action until two months after the issue was brought to light. The House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed Willis to testify on these allegations. It’s alarming to think that the person responsible for upholding justice might be involved in such unethical behavior.

In conclusion, District Attorney Fani Willis’ denial of corruption allegations has only raised more questions. The details of her relationship with Nathan Wade and his qualifications for the position remain unclear. Willis’ resistance to further investigation and her lack of transparency are deeply troubling. It’s crucial that we hold our public officials accountable and demand answers. Corruption should never be tolerated, especially when it involves taxpayer money. Willis’ actions must be thoroughly examined, and if she is found guilty of any wrongdoing, she should face the consequences. The people of Fulton County deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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