
Deep State’s Tech Tricks to Frame Trump Revealed!

Former President Donald Trump is once again under the microscope, as the special counsel in the federal election conspiracy trial has indicated that he plans to use technology as a key witness for the prosecution. This latest development is just another example of how the deep state is willing to go to extreme measures to take down a conservative hero.

The government’s case against Trump alleges that his attempts to challenge the so-called election fraud in the 2020 election were actually part of a conspiracy to overturn the election results. From Trump’s post-election lawsuit to the events of January 6th, 2021, the government claims that Trump was actively working to undermine the democratic process. Of course, Trump has denied these bogus charges, as any patriot would.

In a new court filing, the special counsel, Jack Smith, revealed that he plans to call three expert witnesses to testify against Trump. These so-called “experts” apparently extracted information from Trump’s White House cell phone, as well as the phone of another individual, identified as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. It’s clear that these deep state operatives will stop at nothing to dig up dirt on Trump and his allies.

But it doesn’t end there. Smith’s filing also includes an expert who will present location history data for Google accounts and devices associated with individuals who were in the vicinity of the Capitol building on January 6th, 2021. They’re trying to paint a picture of Trump and his supporters as some kind of violent mob, when we all know they were simply peacefully protesting the stolen election.

The filing even mentions a mysterious multi-hour gap in the official log of Trump’s phone on January 6th, leading to wild speculation about what he may have been up to during that time. This is nothing but a desperate attempt to smear Trump’s name and undermine his credibility.

It’s clear that the deep state is once again using their usual tactics to try to take down a true American patriot. But we won’t be fooled by their lies and deceit. We stand with Trump and will continue to fight against these baseless allegations. The federal election conspiracy trial is set to begin on March 4th, and we can only hope that justice will prevail in the end. #IStandWithTrump

Written by Staff Reports

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