
Defense Chief Austin Summoned! House Committee Demands Straight Answers

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s attempt to keep his medical issues private has backfired in a spectacularly incompetent manner, reminiscent of the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Despite his efforts to keep the information to himself, Austin was diagnosed with prostate cancer last month and underwent surgery. He was then readmitted to the hospital and ended up in the intensive care unit. It seems that everyone, including Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathy Hicks, was unaware of his hospitalization until several days after it had occurred.

President Joe Biden himself only found out about Austin’s cancer diagnosis on the same day that the Department of Defense announced it to the public. The lack of transparency surrounding Austin’s condition is further exemplified by the fact that one of his aides requested that first responders approach his residence discreetly, as revealed in a recently obtained 911 call.

This whole situation raises a multitude of questions. We now know the specifics of Austin’s medical condition and the reasons for his readmission to the hospital. We also know that certain aides lied on his behalf and that there were numerous people who should have been informed but were allegedly not. It is clear that those in Austin’s circle were ill-prepared to keep this information under wraps. Now, Austin may have to face a congressional hearing to answer for this entire debacle.

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers has sent Austin a letter requesting his testimony on Capitol Hill regarding his hospitalization, and it appears that at least two committee Democrats are calling for Austin’s resignation. The lack of transparency and the potential consequences of Austin’s actions have raised serious concerns about his leadership and the continuity of the chain of command.

In the end, Austin’s efforts to maintain his privacy have only brought more attention to his medical condition and the lengths he was willing to go to keep it hidden. He now faces the daunting task of publicly revealing his medical condition and explaining why he essentially disappeared during a critical time for the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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