
Defiant Dem Dunks on Biden to Save NH Primary Traditions!

Liberals Be Gone: Dean Phillips Goes to Bat Against President Biden for New Hampshire!

In a stunning new ad, Democratic presidential hopeful Dean Phillips takes a swing at President Biden for daring to mess with New Hampshire’s long-standing tradition as the first-in-the-nation primary state. The ad, dubbed “The New Hampshire Way,” is a rallying cry for all those who hold dear the Granite State’s pivotal role in the presidential nomination process.

“Joe Biden wants to kick New Hampshire to the curb, folks! That’s just not how we do things in the Granite State,” the ad declares.

Phillips, a congressman from Minnesota, takes to the streets of New Hampshire in the ad, chatting with voters in classic diners, taverns, and town squares – because that’s “the way it’s always been done.” The ad touts Phillips as a champion of affordability, promising to build millions of new homes, boost wages, and take on Big Pharma and insurance companies. He’s also hailed as a defender of a woman’s right to choose, and vows to make the ultra-rich and big corporations pay their fair share.

Meanwhile, President Biden made waves last year when he pushed for changing the primary order, aiming to give more prominence to the South Carolina primary to elevate the voices of minority voters. The Democratic National Committee approved the new 2024 primary calendar, with South Carolina leading the pack, followed by New Hampshire and Nevada.

The move rattled New Hampshire officials, who insisted that the state had always held the first primary position. Their primary is scheduled for January 23, followed by South Carolina’s primary on February 3.

President Biden’s campaign made it clear last October that he wouldn’t file to appear on the New Hampshire Democratic primary ballot, prompting some of his supporters to advocate for writing in his name on the ballot.

But the plot thickens! A prominent New Hampshire Democratic official, Joanne Dowdell, chimed in, arguing that respecting the state’s law and uplifting diverse voices can coexist harmoniously. She’s not thrilled about the DNC’s decision to shake up the primary calendar, and she’s not afraid to say so.


Written by Staff Reports

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