
Delta Hero Stands Firm Against Pronoun-Policing Activist!

This week, a fiery showdown erupted at New York-LaGuardia Airport, involving a Delta Airlines employee and a radical LGBTQ+ activist. The confrontation, caught on camera, has been making waves across the internet, and it’s all thanks to a gutsy airline worker who refused to bow down to the demands of the activist, who goes by the name Tommy Dorfman.

The hullabaloo started when the activist, Dorfman, berated the Delta Airlines employee for not using the “preferred pronouns” during their interaction. The video, which circulated on social media, showed the activist repeatedly calling out the employee for “misgendering” them and demanding to be addressed in a specific way.

But instead of caving to the activist’s demands, the employee stood his ground and even threatened to have port authority escort the activist out of the building if the game of pronoun policing continued. The employee’s no-nonsense response to the activist’s demands has drawn applause from many who are tired of seeing people bullied into submission by those who demand special treatment based on their identity politics.

Libs of TikTok, the account that shared the viral video, commended the Delta employee for not giving in to the activist’s “delusions” and described the activist as a “narcissist” who thrives on power trips. It’s clear that this employee’s refusal to be bullied has struck a chord with many who are fed up with the excessive demands of the radical LGBTQ+ movement.

To add fuel to the fire, it was revealed that Dorfman, the activist at the center of the controversy, had recently hosted a podcast featuring Dylan Mulvaney, who caused a stir by masquerading as a woman and being involved in the infamous Bud Light controversy. This connection raises questions about the activist’s true motives and the agenda behind their aggressive behavior at the airport.

Dorfman took to TikTok to share their version of the incident, framing it as an attempt to advocate for themselves in the face of supposed “transphobia” and even alleging that port authority was called in to intervene. However, these claims should be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism, given the activist’s track record of seeking attention and stirring up controversy.

The dust-up at New York-LaGuardia Airport serves as yet another example of the growing trend of outspoken activists attempting to force their beliefs on others and using social media as a weapon to shame those who dare to resist. The Delta Airlines employee’s refusal to kowtow to the activist’s demands is a refreshing reminder that standing up to bullying and refusing to be coerced into compliance is a virtuous act worthy of praise.

Written by Staff Reports

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