
Democrat Discord Rises High Over Israeli Crisis

As the conflict in Israel rages on, tensions within the Democratic party surrounding the Middle East are beginning to bubble to the surface. President Joe Biden has been voicing his unwavering support for Israel, but some Democrats are skeptical that this support will continue as the war wages on and pressure mounts from the left wing of the party. In recent years, the party has been contending with a more vocal progressive faction that is sympathetic to Palestinians and advocates for limiting financial aid to Israel.

At a pro-Israel rally in Boston, Senator Ed Markey was met with boos after calling for de-escalation of the violence, while Representative Jake Auchincloss, who is Jewish, received cheers when he expressed his unwavering support for Israel. The rift within the party can also be seen in the differing statements made by progressive lawmakers. Senator Bernie Sanders accused Israel of violating international law by cutting off resources to Gaza, while members of the progressive “Squad” called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel and labeled the country’s system as “apartheid.”

While many Democrats are dismissing the views of these progressive lawmakers, recent polling suggests that Democratic sympathies may be shifting toward Palestinians. A Gallup poll earlier this year found that Democratic sympathies in the Middle East now lie more with Palestinians than Israelis. Additionally, pro-Palestinian sentiment on college campuses, a key source of Democratic votes, remains strong. This shift in public opinion could further strain the party’s unity on the issue.

As the conflict continues, divisions within the Democratic party are becoming more apparent. The party will soon face a test when a bipartisan resolution condemning Hamas and affirming Israel’s right to self-defense comes to the House floor. This resolution could reveal further fractures within the party, especially considering that nine Democrats voted against a similar resolution earlier this year. The outcome of these divisions could have significant implications for the party’s support of Israel and its ability to provide financial and military aid in the future.

Written by Staff Reports

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