
Democrats Flip on Kennedy Ballot Issue to Thwart Trump Votes

After a vigorous campaign to keep Robert F. Kennedy Jr. off the ballots in crucial swing states, Democrats have now done an about-face, ensuring his name remains on ballots in Wisconsin, Michigan, and potentially North Carolina—despite his campaign suspension and endorsement of Donald Trump. How curious that the party appears to be so against third-party candidates suddenly seems eager to retain one who, by all accounts, is a direct threat to Trump’s base.

The narrative starts to paint itself: Democrats were hellbent on eliminating Kennedy earlier in the year, concocting a barrage of lawsuits to halt any third-party candidates from muddying the waters for President Biden. But as the landscape shifted, with Biden taking a step back and Kennedy now more likely to draw votes from Trump, their tune has shifted dramatically. It appears the Democrats have brewed up a plan to exploit this unexpected situation to their advantage.

Kennedy’s former running mate entered the fray, highlighting the absurdity of the Democrats’ legal maneuverings. Having initially spent millions to block Kennedy from state ballots, they are now scrambling to keep him on. It appears the Democrats’ playbook is anything but consistent—when it suits them, of course. Kennedy’s name lingering on ballots in critical states, where he sits at about 4% polling—just enough to siphon off votes from Trump—is likely more than just a coincidence.

In Wisconsin, where the election commission is divided, a GOP motion to remove Kennedy’s name was squashed by Democratic members citing state law. The decision has drawn ire from those who perceive a double standard; after all, there was little fuss when Kamala Harris was thrust onto the ballot, replacing Biden without much ado. If one were to add a bit of humor here, it’s almost as if the Democrats have decided that keeping Kennedy on the ballot is the ultimate game of “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose.”

Looking at other swing states like Michigan and North Carolina brings even more unwelcome attention to this electoral chess match. In Michigan, a judge ruled against Kennedy, leaving his name firmly attached to the ballot, while North Carolina’s election board similarly determined it was too cumbersome to reprint the millions of ballots already prepared. Compare this to the rapid switch of the Democratic nominee—no ballot drama there, just a smooth transition. Clearly, Democrats will do anything to maintain a firm grasp on their narrative, even if it means straining the rules to keep an unhelpful candidate on their side.

At its core, this situation begs the question of integrity: When political maneuvering trumps the very laws and rules that are supposed to govern free and fair elections, one can’t help but crack a smirk at the irony. The Democrats seem perfectly happy to play both sides of the fence, demonstrating an unparalleled knack for opportunism. They may clutch their pearls and decry “third-party interference,” but when it suits their needs, they could just as easily embrace the very chaos they once loathed. It’s a classic case of political opportunism, and the rest of America is just watching to see how it all unfolds.

Written by Staff Reports

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