
Democrats Split from Biden, Eye Trump Amid Foreign Policy Fallout

In the world of politics, there’s a new group gaining attention – the “Never Bidens.” Just as there were Republicans who refused to support President Trump, now there are Democrats who are turning away from President Biden. This shift is catching the eye of many, including conservative supporters who have often criticized Biden’s policies.

President Biden has faced criticism from within his own party for his handling of foreign policy, particularly regarding Israel. Some prominent Democratic donors and influencers have expressed their disappointment with Biden’s decisions, leading them to consider alternative options, including support for former President Trump.

Cliff Asness, a Republican donor, has been vocal about his displeasure with Biden’s stance on halting arms shipments to Israel. This move has caused Asness to reevaluate his views and consider supporting Trump as a better alternative. Similarly, Bill Ackman, known for his involvement in academic matters at Harvard, has condemned Biden’s actions, hinting at a shift towards a more centrist position aligned with what is best for the country.

Even former Biden supporters like Michael Granoff, a venture fund managing partner, have expressed their disillusionment with the President’s flip-flopping on crucial issues like Israel. Granoff highlighted Biden’s change in policy post-Hamas conflict as a turning point that has influenced his decision not to support Biden in the upcoming election.

The growing discontent among some Democrats towards Biden’s leadership is evident, with notable figures like former Trump Ambassador to Israel David Freidman noting a shift in Jewish donors’ preferences towards supporting Trump. This trend underscores a broader concern within the Democratic Party about Biden’s ability to navigate complex foreign policy challenges while appeasing different factions.

As the “Never Biden” movement gains momentum, it poses a significant challenge for the President and the Democratic Party as they navigate internal divisions and external pressures. The upcoming elections will test Biden’s ability to retain support from key constituencies, especially on critical issues like Israel, where his decisions are being closely scrutinized by both allies and critics alike.

The emergence of the “Never Bidens” highlights a growing dissatisfaction with President Biden’s policies, particularly in the realm of foreign affairs. For conservative observers, this discontent offers a glimpse into the fissures within the Democratic Party and the broader political landscape, suggesting potential shifts in voter preferences and alliances in the upcoming elections.

Written by Staff Reports

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