
Democrats Tremble as Devon Archer Set to Spill Secrets!

According to sources, longtime Biden associate and business partner Devon Archer testified before the House Oversight Committee today, and it seems like the Democrats are starting to panic. It turns out that Archer had been in contact with President Biden on more than 20 phone calls! Despite Biden’s insistence that he has never spoken to Hunter Biden’s business associates and had no involvement in their shady overseas dealings, Archer’s testimony seems to suggest otherwise.

Not only did Archer confirm the frequent phone calls between him and the President, but he dropped a bombshell by claiming that Hunter Biden actually put his father on the phone to “sell the brand” of a corrupt Ukrainian company called Burisma. Remember, Joe Biden was the Vice President at the time, and Hunter was raking in a whopping $80,000 per month from his position on Burisma’s board. It’s starting to look more and more like the Biden family was up to their old tricks.

While the full transcript of Archer’s testimony is expected to be released later this week, both Republicans and Democrats are already foaming at the mouth over the preview we’ve been given. In a desperate attempt to save face, the Democrats are now trying to move the goalposts, questioning what Biden actually knew, who he spoke to, and how often. It’s clear that they’re feeling the heat and trying to spin the situation, but their efforts are falling flat.

This is just another example of the corruption and nepotism that seems to follow the Biden family wherever they go. It’s time for some real accountability and for the truth to come out. The American people deserve to know the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s shady business dealings, and it’s up to Congress to get to the bottom of it.

Written by Staff Reports

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