
Democrats Urge Biden to Admit Palestinian Refugees Amid Security Concerns

House and Senate Democrats are at it again, this time putting the Biden administration in a tricky situation by urging the President to open America’s doors to Palestinian refugees. In a letter addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a cavalcade of Democrats, led by Sen. Dick Durbin, Reps. Greg Casar, Pramila Jayapal, and Debbie Dingell, are pushing for Palestinian refugees to get a Priority-2 designation under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.

Apparently, the Democrats have forgotten the concept of national security. Dingell insists her office is inundated with calls from desperate constituents who have suffered family losses in Gaza. Well, her concerns are touching, but does that mean America needs to amend its refugee policies during a global pandemic and economic downturn? Interesting priorities.

The demand focuses on Palestinians who have U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident family members. Maybe someone should remind them that U.S. immigration policy isn’t a revolving door, especially when there are concerns of potential terrorists slipping through the cracks. After all, even with current safeguards, officials are struggling to manage the influx at the southern border.

As the Democrats paint heart-wrenching pictures of tragedy in Gaza, one has to ponder if they’re aware of the human costs on the other side. The United Nations reports alarming casualties and displacements in Gaza, but what about the 50 Israeli hostages still believed to be alive? Netanyahu is laser-focused on ensuring their safe release, and one has to wonder if the Democrats spare a thought for them in their grand schemes.

Biden’s juggling act between siding with Israel and placating his progressive base is nothing short of a circus. He halted an arms shipment to Israel last month, only to continue sending weapons later. Such flip-flopping should come with a health warning. Canceling a meeting with Netanyahu after the Israeli prime minister suggested Biden was withholding weapons has only added fuel to this political bonfire.

The Democrats’ letter lands just as Biden approved a $404 million aid package for Gaza, prompting Republican lawmakers to question the administration’s competence in preventing funds from ending up in Hamas’s pockets. It seems old habits die hard when it comes to Democrats throwing money around without due diligence.

In the midst of this political tug-of-war, Biden is also wrestling with an immigration crisis at the southern border. With poll numbers plummeting and 64% of the country disapproving of his handling of the border, one has to wonder if welcoming Palestinian refugees is the final nail in the coffin. Democrats pushing Biden into a corner only adds to the chaos. If Biden ignores them, his party’s liberal wing and Arab American base could erupt in fury. If he gives in, Republican criticism will hit him like a freight train.

Welcome to American politics—the circus with front-row seats for all.

Written by Staff Reports

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