
Dems Blame Trump for Obama-Era Tragedy, Ignore FBI Blunders

In a recent interview with CNN, Democratic Congressman James Clyburn shamelessly attempted to connect President Donald Trump to the 2015 Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church massacre in Charleston, South Carolina. Despite the fact that Trump was not even president at the time, Clyburn thought it was “fair” to make this outrageous claim. And he conveniently forgot to mention that it was actually President Obama who was in the White House when the tragic event occurred. Talk about selective memory!

What’s more, Clyburn failed to acknowledge that the FBI dropped the ball when it came to preventing the shooter, Dylann S. Roof, from purchasing a firearm that he was ineligible to buy. A South Carolina judge recently blasted the FBI for a litany of errors and “abysmally poor policy choices” that allowed Roof to unlawfully obtain the .45-caliber handgun used in the heinous killings. This crucial detail seems to have escaped Clyburn’s attention as he pointed fingers at President Trump.

But wait, there’s more! While all this was going on, President Joe Biden decided to hit the campaign trail and, surprise, surprise, started fear mongering about race. During a visit to the church this week, he seized the opportunity to deliver a politically charged speech filled with false claims about his involvement in the civil rights movement. Let’s not forget that this is the same Biden who proudly attended the funeral of KKK leader and Democratic Senator Robert Byrd back in 2010. Talk about twisted priorities!

It’s clear that the Democrats will stop at nothing to smear President Trump, even if it means ignoring the facts and rewriting history. And with Biden making a spectacle of himself with his dubious claims, it’s no wonder Americans are seeing through the liberal facade. The hypocrisy and double standards are on full display, and it’s up to the American people to see through the political charade.

Written by Staff Reports

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