
Dems Deny Doom as Trump Tops Biden in Polls, Panic Ensues!

In response to the recent national polls indicating President Joe Biden is lagging behind former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election, Democrats have chosen to bury their heads in the sand and deny the harsh reality staring them in the face. The elections are still eight long months away, yet it seems the Democrats are already going into panic mode. Age, campaign direction, inflation, and the lack of a competitive primary process have long been nagging concerns for the Democrats.

Despite the alarming numbers, Biden’s campaign is downplaying the polls, and many liberals seem to be falling in line with this strategy. According to the New Yorker, an aide close to the president stated, “He is not diverted by politics or by bad polling or by some crazy-ass s*** that Donald Trump has done.” This seems to reflect the overall sentiment of the Democrats, as they struggle to come to terms with the grim reality staring them in the face.

The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and CBS News have all released polls showing Trump leading Biden, with the New York Times -Siena College poll painting a particularly bleak picture for the incumbent president. The Democrats are scrambling to fend off the panic that has settled within their ranks, desperately pointing to previous election results as a means to discredit the current polling data.

The recent polls have revitalized memories of the 2016 and 2020 elections, where the polls missed crucial details that led to Trump’s victories. The Democrats are now clinging to the hope that history will repeat itself and the 2024 polling will be just as off the mark as it was in previous elections. However, this optimism is waning as the conditions that led to the Democrats’ defeats in previous elections seem to be rearing their heads once more.

With the pandemic no longer dominating the public consciousness, discontent with the Biden administration is bubbling among voters, and new rifts within the Democratic coalition are emerging. As the 2024 election looms, the uncertainty surrounding the race has only intensified with the potential inclusion of third-party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In the face of these challenges, the Democrats find themselves scrambling for answers, desperately trying to downplay the dismal polling data and desperately hoping for a repeat of history. It seems the old saying holds true for the Democrats: denial is indeed a river in Egypt.

Written by Staff Reports

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