
Dems Divided: Fringe Left Cheers Hamas Atrocities – Party in Crisis?

Politico, the supposedly liberal publication, has surprisingly covered a crack in the Democratic Party caused by the recent Israel-Hamas war. The Democratic Party relies heavily on the support of Jewish and Muslim voters, particularly in crucial areas like the Rust Belt and New York City. However, the horrific attacks on Israel by Hamas, leaving over 1,200 civilians dead, have caused a split within the party.

The attacks were not just simple car bombings but a full-scale invasion involving 1,000 terrorists entering Israel by land, sea, and air. The brutality displayed was unmatched, with Israelis being murdered, burned alive, raped, and even babies being beheaded. It is truly sickening. Yet, the far left has endorsed and celebrated these killings, leading to a moral reckoning within the Democratic Party.

A pro-Palestinian rally in Times Square, endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, drew criticism from mainstream Democrats. Governor Kathy Hochul and other prominent party members denounced the rally as “abhorrent and morally repugnant.” Even New York Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman, who condemned the attacks and called for a ceasefire, did not take a firm stand against the rally.

The Democratic Party’s response to these rallies, which featured calls to “kill all the Jews,” was messy and disheartening. It is alarming to see how many terrorist sympathizers exist among us, but what is truly shocking is the casual indifference towards such heinous acts. Many on the pro-Hamas side dismiss this as mere propaganda, but there are undeniable photographic evidence of the atrocities committed.

Matt Duss, a former foreign policy adviser to Bernie Sanders, provided a rational take on the issue, emphasizing that even if one considers the situation an occupation, it never justifies the targeting and killing of civilians. He recognizes the need for a solution to the longstanding conflict between Israel and Palestine but criticizes US policy for disregarding the Palestinian issue.

However, it is important to remember that Jews are also native to this land. They are not invaders or colonizers. The right of return, often demanded by Palestinians, is simply not feasible. The reality is that Hamas, elected in Gaza in 2006 and then forcibly took control a year later, is not interested in productive discussions. Their ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel, with Iran providing support. The blockade of Gaza is a necessary measure due to its transformation into a jihadi stronghold.

While a broader conversation about the issue should be had, the immediate priority is eliminating Hamas from Gaza. It is impossible to negotiate with those who deny your right to exist. That is a non-negotiable stance.

Written by Staff Reports

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