
Dems Dodge Biden Contempt With ‘Privilege’ Ploy, GOP Fights Back!

Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee meeting on the markup of holding First Son Hunter Biden in contempt turned into a circus of epic proportions. The Democrats, led by Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), wasted time yammering on about “white privilege,” as if that has anything to do with holding Hunter Biden accountable for his actions. Crockett claimed that Hunter tried to comply with a subpoena, but in reality, he offered to appear for public testimony, which he couldn’t do. Instead, he skipped out on his closed-door testimony, thinking he’s above the law.

Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) gushed over Crockett’s remarks, calling them “eloquent and powerful,” which is code for “completely unrelated to the matter at hand.” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) attempted to yield his time to Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), but Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) had to speak to clear her name after being referenced by Crockett.

Mace stated her annoyance at having her work in civil rights and civil liberties thrown in her face. She emphasized that she’s always trying to do the right thing, unlike the Democrats who are making a mockery of the hearing. Donalds, agreeing with Mace, called out the absurdity of the situation, pointing out that it’s not about “white privilege,” but rather “Democrat privilege” that’s allowing Hunter Biden to defy the law.

Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI) cut through the nonsensical chatter and reminded everyone that the only issue at hand is Hunter Biden’s refusal to comply with a subpoena. She stressed the importance of holding wrongdoers accountable, regardless of their last name. McClain made it clear that there’s no special treatment for the Bidens, and they must follow the laws just like every other American citizen.

It’s utterly ridiculous that a hearing about Hunter Biden’s contempt of Congress devolved into a free-for-all of irrelevant topics. The Democrats couldn’t stay on track, bringing up President Trump, January 6, and God knows what else. It’s high time they focus on the matter at hand and stop trying to distract from Hunter Biden’s misconduct.

Written by Staff Reports

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