
Dems in Hot Water: Key Capitol Riot Tapes Vanish, GOP Sounds Alarm!

In a recent development, Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., has revealed that the videotapes of depositions made to the Democrat-led House panel examining the Capitol incursion have mysteriously disappeared. The chairman of the House Administration oversight subcommittee has brought this alarming revelation to light.

Loudermilk expressed deep concern over the missing videotapes, emphasizing the impossibility of verifying the accuracy of the remaining transcripts. He drawn attention to the fact that Cassidy Hutchinson, a key witness who testified against former President Donald Trump, made significant changes to her testimony months after her initial appearance. This casts serious doubt on her credibility and the reliability of the information she provided to the J6 Select Committee.

The mysterious disappearance of these crucial videotapes raises serious questions about the transparency and integrity of the entire investigation. It is deeply troubling that important evidence has gone missing under the Democrats’ watch, leaving the remaining transcripts under a shadow of doubt.

Loudermilk also revealed that the panel sent some transcripts to the White House and the Department of Homeland Security, only to receive them back heavily redacted. This effectively obstructs House Republicans from gaining a clear understanding of the testimonies and the individuals involved.

Furthermore, Loudermilk highlighted that House Rule VI covers the preservation of any data, information, and documents used in an official proceeding. The apparent disregard for established rules and protocols by Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson, who chaired the panel, is deeply concerning and undermines the credibility of the entire investigation.

In light of these alarming findings, it is clear that the missing videotapes and the redacted transcripts are obstructing the pursuit of truth and justice. The ongoing federal prosecution against Trump, based on the testimonies and evidence within the transcripts, is deeply questionable, given the lack of transparency and integrity surrounding the investigation.

The sudden emergence of these troubling revelations, alongside the deliberate withholding of information by witnesses, raises serious doubts about the entire narrative being constructed by the Democratic-led House panel. The American people deserve transparency, accountability, and truth, and it is time for the responsible parties to be held to account for these disturbing developments.

Written by Staff Reports

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