
Dems Panic: Ditching Biden Due to Age Woes?

As President Joe Biden prepares for a possible reelection campaign, he faces mounting uncertainty within his own party. A significant portion of voters who lean Democratic are voicing apprehensions about his age, advocating for a new face to replace him. At the age of 80, Biden is the oldest person to serve as U.S. president, and if reelected, he would be 86 when his term ends.

Various polls indicate that Biden's age is a major consideration for Democratic voters contemplating his suitability for a second term. Janet Rodriguez, a Democratic voter from Seattle, stated, “I'm grateful he defeated Trump, but he initially described himself as a 'transition candidate.' I thought that meant he wouldn't seek reelection. I wish we had another option like [California Governor] Gavin Newsom.”

This view is shared by Robert Wildermuth of San Diego, who feels that Biden misled voters in the 2020 campaign. “We were essentially voting for Kamala Harris as well, given the likelihood she may have to step in. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's a reality given Biden's age. However, Harris has been largely absent since the election, likely to avoid drawing attention to this issue.”

While Vice President Harris has publicly affirmed Biden's competence, there are skeptics like Jon Caldara, president of the Independence Institute, who question Biden's age and mental sharpness. Caldara starkly commented, “The leader of the free world who has control of nuclear weapons is showing signs of not just physical, but also mental decline, possibly even dementia. This is alarming, and the vice president, who isn’t popular, is also a concern.”

Conservative strategists like Caldara suggest that Biden’s vulnerabilities could give former President Donald Trump a fighting chance in a rematch. “The Democrats are in a tricky situation, and it’s fascinating to watch,” Caldara said. “Their plan to ensure Trump is the nominee could seriously backfire.”

Although Biden has a slim lead over Trump in national surveys, recent polls suggest that Trump, and even former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, could potentially outperform him. Nonetheless, ardent Biden supporters remain optimistic. Democratic strategist Matt Angle said, “The angst among Democrats is more a reflection of their perfectionism. Polls at this stage aren’t decisive.”

Tiffany Lord, a Biden supporter from Phoenix, also remains hopeful. “Things can change dramatically before the election in November 2024. Yes, he’s old, but he’s the best option to unite the Democratic Party and defeat Trump,” she noted.

Adding another layer to the election dynamics are rumors of a third-party candidate making a splash. Angela McArdle, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, thinks the declining enthusiasm for both major party candidates could generate more interest in third-party options, especially among younger voters. “People are beginning to see the flaws in both parties,” said McArdle.

Senator Joe Manchin is one name that has been floated as a possible third-party contender. His recent activities and criticisms of both major parties have fueled speculation about an independent run. “The public has spoken; they're not content with the two options they have,” Manchin observed, referencing a CNN poll where 67% of Democrats favored another candidate over Biden.

Navigating these complexities, the Democratic Party faces a rocky path to securing victory in the next presidential election. Whether it involves rallying behind Biden despite his age or identifying a fresh face, the party has some difficult decisions to make.

Written by Staff Reports

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