
Dems Panic Over Biden’s Age: 56% “Seriously Concerned”

The fact that Democrats are finally starting to wake up and question President Joe Biden’s age is a sign that even they can’t ignore his obvious frailty any longer. According to a recent CNN poll, a whopping 56% of Democrats are “seriously concerned” about the impact of Biden’s age on his physical and mental competence. And let’s not forget, this is just among Democrats – when you take into account all voters, a staggering 73% share these concerns.

It’s no surprise that Biden’s age is causing such alarm. The man will be 82 by the time he takes office in 2025 if re-elected, and a ripe old 86 if he manages to survive an entire second term. Frankly, it’s hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would think it’s a good idea to have an octogenarian running the country.

Biden’s cognitive decline has been on full display since he hit the campaign trail in 2020. Sure, he could hide behind the pandemic and limit his public appearances, but now there’s no escaping the truth. Every time he’s in public, he looks positively disoriented and clueless, stumbling over his words and wandering around like he’s lost. It’s embarrassing for the nation and no doubt sends a message to our enemies that our Commander-in-Chief is less than capable.

But instead of facing reality and considering other options, Democrats seem determined to stick with Biden, even though they know he’s not up to the task. They’re so desperate to avoid looking racist by not choosing Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement that they’d rather risk our country’s future with a weak, elderly leader. It’s truly astonishing how far they will go to maintain their image.

What’s even more concerning is that other polls are showing similar trends. A recent Wall Street Journal poll revealed that two-thirds of Democrats believe Biden is too old to run again. It’s clear that Democrats are starting to acknowledge the problem, but they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. They dislike Biden, but they dislike former President Donald Trump even more. So, they find themselves torn between rejecting Biden and potentially electing Trump. It’s quite the conundrum for them.

In the end, the only way for Democrats to send a message to Biden is by voting against him. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s the only way to make their voices heard. And maybe, just maybe, it will serve as a wake-up call for the party to start considering candidates who are actually fit to lead our great nation. Until then, we’ll have to endure the embarrassing spectacle of a feeble-minded president stumbling his way through the halls of power. God help us all.

Written by Staff Reports

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