
Dems Push Fear Over Facts to Thwart Trump 2024

Liberal Lunacy Alert! MSNBC analyst Donny Deutsch has lost his marbles by suggesting that President Joe Biden should resort to fear tactics to beat the legendary Donald Trump in the 2024 election. Instead of focusing on real issues and policies, they want to scare Americans into voting for Sleepy Joe. 

Deutsch babbles about how Biden should parade some former military bigwigs like John Kelly, James Mattis, H.R. McMaster, and Mark Milley to spread fear about Trump. These so-called “patriots” should apparently tell the American people that everything will go haywire if Trump is re-elected. What a load of hogwash! This is just another desperate attempt by the left to manipulate and control the narrative.

President Biden, with his pitiful 40.8% job approval rating and only 23.9% of respondents believing the country is on the right track, is clearly struggling. Instead of resorting to fear-mongering tactics, how about actually delivering on your promises and improving the lives of the American people, Joe?

It’s time for Democrats to wake up and smell the roses. Using scare tactics and calling in the cavalry won’t save them from the Trump train. The American people are smarter than that. 


Written by Staff Reports

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