
Dems Sink SCOTUS’ Approval: The Hypocrisy Exposed!

Joe Biden’s approval rating may be abysmal, but it seems like the Supreme Court is giving him a run for his money. According to a recent survey by Pew Research, Americans’ view of the highest judicial body in the nation has plummeted to a historic low. Only a measly 44% of Americans now have a favorable impression of the Court, which is a far cry from the robust 70% just three years ago. It’s like the Court is getting the same treatment as an unpopular kid in fourth grade who eats paste and can’t even swing on the monkey bars properly.

But wait, the decline in favorability is not evenly distributed. It turns out that the Democrats and their so-called Democratic-leaning independents are the major culprits behind this plummet. A measly 24% of these folks expressed anything close to positive feelings about the Court. Meanwhile, a whopping 75% of them viewed it unfavorably, and more than a third of them claimed to have “very” unfavorable feelings towards it. Talk about holding a grudge!

Surprisingly, the Democrats’ disdain for the Court is not equal across all races. White Democrats seem to be the most grumpy about the situation, with a mere 17% seeing the Court favorably. On the other hand, 26% of black Democrats and 38% of Hispanic Democrats at least managed to crack a smile when thinking about the Court. So apparently, the grumpiness is not limited to politics; it’s now spreading to race as well. Oh joy!

Now, let’s compare these numbers to the Republicans. A whopping 68% of them still see the Court favorably, making them the shining beacons of optimism in this dark cloud of unfavorable opinions. Only 30% of them view the Court unfavorably, with a mere 6% claiming to have a “very” unfavorable opinion. Republicans are looking at the Court like it’s that super cool teacher who gives out gold stars for homework and lets them play with slime during recess. Good for them, I guess.

It’s not just favorability ratings that show the deep divide. There’s also a sharp partisan clash on whether or not the Court has too much power. Democrats, always eager to complain about something, seem to think the Court is too powerful at a solid 60%. Republicans, ever the defenders of the status quo, disagree at 40%. It’s like a sibling argument over who gets to control the remote. Democrats want to change the channel, while Republicans just want to binge-watch their favorite show in peace.

Now, onto some juicy gossip. Senate Democrats tried to impose new ethics rules on Supreme Court justices not too long ago because of a report claiming that Justice Clarence Thomas took expensive trips with some conservative donor. But hold up! South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham swooped in to point out the hypocrisy. He reminded everyone how Democrats conveniently turned a blind eye when the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg accepted a whopping $1 million award, no strings attached. I mean, come on! If that isn’t questionable behavior, then what is? It’s like the Democrats have a set of ethics rules for conservatives and another set for liberals, and they switch between the two as it suits their political agenda. Classic politicians.

So there you have it, folks. Joe Biden may have a terrible approval rating, but at least he’s got company in the form of an unpopular Supreme Court. The Court’s favorability ratings are sinking faster than a sinking ship in a sinking swamp. Democrats are leading the charge in their disdain, Republicans are holding on for dear life, and everyone is pointing fingers like a bunch of fourth graders playing the blame game. Stay tuned, folks, as this drama unfolds. It’s bound to get even more interesting, or should we say, even more infuriatingly dramatic.

Written by Staff Reports

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