
Dems Walk Out on Kid’s Safety: Ignore Dangers of Gender Surgery Funding

In a stunning display of hypocrisy and disregard for the well-being of children, Democrats have once again shown their true colors by walking out of a congressional hearing on taxpayer funding for children’s hospitals that practice dangerous gender reassignment surgeries. Representative Kat Cammack, a Republican from Florida, had the audacity to present a video featuring an expert discussing the risks and experimental nature of these surgeries. Unsurprisingly, the Democrats couldn’t handle the truth and immediately called for an adjournment, dismissing the importance of the topic at hand.

It’s clear that the Democrats are more interested in protecting their radical agenda than in listening to expert testimony. One Democratic congresswoman even had the nerve to call the hearing a “circus,” as if discussing the potential harm caused by irreversible surgeries on vulnerable children is nothing more than a sideshow. This level of willful ignorance is appalling.

Representative Cammack’s video highlighted the critical points that the Democrats refuse to acknowledge. These surgeries are experimental and often performed on children who have not yet experienced puberty. How can we expect these young individuals to make informed decisions about their bodies and identities when they haven’t even had their first sexual experiences? It’s a Frankenstein-like experiment being conducted on our most vulnerable citizens, all at the expense of hardworking taxpayers.

Furthermore, the video revealed how these surgeries are far from precise. Surgeons freely admit that things in the operating room never go according to plan, and peer-reviewed research confirming the benefits is practically non-existent. Instead, they rely on trial and error, using robots to remove organs from children’s bodies and creating canals as if they were playing a sick game. This irresponsible experimentation should not be funded by taxpayers who have no say in how their hard-earned money is being wasted.

Representative Cammack’s message is clear: we need to prioritize real issues, like the physician shortage that our country is facing. By 2034, we could be facing a shortage of 125,000 doctors. Shouldn’t we be focusing on finding solutions to this crisis instead of wasting taxpayer dollars on dangerous surgeries with questionable outcomes? It’s time for the Democrats to put their radical ideology aside and start thinking about the future of our healthcare system.

In a tweet from Representative Cammack’s Press Office, she eloquently sums up the Republican stance: “We must address the physician shortage and focus on the real issues. Taxpayer money should not be funneled into experimental surgeries on children. It’s time to prioritize the needs of our nation over radical agendas.” As conservatives, we must support leaders like Representative Cammack who are willing to speak out against the reckless spending of taxpayer dollars and the potential harm caused by dangerous medical practices. It’s time for the Democrats to listen, learn, and put the well-being of our children first.

Written by Staff Reports

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