
DeSantis’ Bold Plan: Europe Pays, Troops Guard Border, Cartels Crushed!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis stole the show at the recent GOP presidential debate with a bold promise to make Europe pay up their fair share for security obligations. No longer will the United States foot the bill while Europeans laze around eating croissants and sipping tea! Instead, DeSantis plans to divert our troops from Ukraine and send them to secure our southern border.

But it seems not everyone is on board with DeSantis’ brilliant plan. Nikki Haley had the audacity to suggest that we can support Ukraine AND protect our border simultaneously. Seriously, Haley? It’s like trying to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time. Impossible!

DeSantis, being the true patriot he is, didn’t hold back in his response. He declared a national emergency right then and there, vowing to send troops to our southern border. And let me tell you, those drug pushers who dare to bring fentanyl into our country should prepare themselves for a one-way ticket to the afterlife. DeSantis is ready to use force and leave them “stone cold dead.” Now that’s what I call tough on crime!

In a recent interview with the esteemed news program “Fox & Friends,” DeSantis made another exciting announcement. He plans to officially declare Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations. And you know what? It’s about time someone finally stepped up and recognized the brutal tactics and devastating drugs that these cartels are responsible for. This move will protect American lives and send a clear message to these evil drug lords that their days of prey are numbered.

But DeSantis didn’t stop there. He also shared his plan to engage in maritime operations to intercept those sneaky Chinese companies shipping precursor chemicals for fentanyl to Mexico. He’s not letting anyone off the hook! It’s time to put an end to this deadly cycle, and DeSantis is leading the charge.

Governor DeSantis is a true conservative hero, unafraid to take bold actions to protect our country. His commitment to securing our border and combating the drug crisis is unwavering. With his leadership, Americans can rest assured that our security is a top priority. Let’s give a round of applause for Governor DeSantis, the defender of freedom and the scourge of drug pushers everywhere!

Written by Staff Reports

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