
DeSantis Chases Trump in GOP Race: Can He Catch the Cheetah?

Former President Trump continues to dominate the GOP playing field, leaving the other candidates in his dust. It’s like watching a high-speed car chase with Trump in the driver’s seat and the rest of them desperately trying to catch up on bicycles.

But there is one candidate who seems to be gaining some traction among Iowa voters. Enter Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, a man on a mission to revamp his campaign and prove that he’s more than just a pretty face with a charming smile.

According to a survey conducted by the DeSantis campaign, his support shot up from a measly 14 percent to a slightly less measly 21 percent after the first GOP presidential debate. Now, you might be thinking, “Wait a minute, isn’t a poll conducted by a campaign a bit biased?” Well, yes, it is. But who needs facts when you can have campaign propaganda?

In any case, Trump only saw a one-percentage-point dip in his support, going from 42 to 41 percent. No biggie. It’s like losing a single hair from a glorious wig. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley had a more impressive jump, going from 3 to 11 percent support. Meanwhile, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott’s slide from eight to seven percent is about as exciting as watching paint dry.

And let’s not forget about businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, who saw his support plummet from 10 percent to a pathetic seven percent after the debate. It’s like he tripped on his own shoelaces and faceplanted right into obscurity.

So, what does this all mean for DeSantis? Well, the poll shows that he’s closing the gap between him and Trump, but let’s not get too excited. He’s still three percentage points behind the former president, with Trump sitting pretty at 43 percent support while DeSantis is stuck at 40 percent. It’s like trying to catch a cheetah with your bare hands. Good luck, buddy.

But wait, there’s more! Another poll conducted by Morning Consult found that Trump’s decision to skip the first debate didn’t do any damage to his support. In fact, he’s still sitting comfortably at 58 percent, while poor DeSantis is stuck at a paltry 14 percent. It’s like David trying to take on Goliath, but instead of a slingshot, David has a balled-up piece of tissue paper.

So, as much as I love an underdog story, it seems like DeSantis still has a long way to go if he wants to dethrone Trump as the king of the GOP. But hey, anything can happen in politics, right? Just like pigs can fly and unicorns can make delicious hamburgers. Keep dreaming, DeSantis. Maybe one day your time will come.

Written by Staff Reports

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