
DeSantis Defies Odds, Tops VP Poll After Trump Feud

It’s a DeSantis delight for conservative voters as Florida governor Ron DeSantis grabs the spotlight in a recent VP poll despite his past clashes with former President Trump. The media may be scratching their heads wondering how DeSantis managed to secure the top spot even after the drama with Trump, but Republican voters have spoken loud and clear – they want DeSantis on the ticket!

With 34% of GOP voters backing DeSantis for VP, it’s clear that his popularity remains steadfast within the party. Despite his failed bid for the presidency and the heated exchanges with Trump, DeSantis has emerged as a frontrunner for the VP slot, leaving other contenders like Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy trailing behind.

Trump, never one to shy away from a little drama, seemed to bury the hatchet with DeSantis, graciously accepting his endorsement despite their past disagreements. And with DeSantis leading the VP race by a comfortable margin, it seems like a DeSantis-Trump reunion might be on the cards.

Amidst all the VP speculation, names like Tim Scott, Ben Carson, Tucker Carlson, and Kristi Noem have also popped up as potential running mates for Trump. But it’s DeSantis who’s stealing the show, with his no-nonsense, conservative stance resonating strongly with the Republican base.

As the VP buzz continues to build, one thing is certain – DeSantis is a force to be reckoned with in the GOP. Whether he ultimately lands on the ticket alongside Trump or not, his enduring appeal among conservative voters is undeniable, making him a key player in the party’s future.

Written by Staff Reports

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