
DeSantis Slams Door on Social Media for Kids: Safety First!

In a bold move to protect the innocence of young minds, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis flexed his gubernatorial muscles by signing a bill that bars kiddos under 14 from entering the treacherous world of social media. Starting January 1, 2025, tykes looking to join the digital realm will need their parents’ blessing, or they can kiss their dreams of Snapchat stardom goodbye.

DeSantis, a shining beacon of conservative values, believes that social media is a breeding ground for trouble, and he’s not wrong. Have you seen the things the youth can get up to on those any-scale electronic communication platforms? Yikes! The bill also requires social media bigwigs to erase any trace of younglings’ accounts, protecting their personal information from falling into the wrong hands.

The man behind the curtain in this legislative wizardry is none other than Republican House Speaker Paul Renner, who waved his magic wand and conjured up a bill that prioritizes the safety of our kiddos. With the stroke of a pen, DeSantis praised Renner for his efforts in delivering this crucial piece of legislation to his desk. 

While some critics may cry foul, arguing that the bill infringes on personal freedoms, true patriots understand that this law is a shield against the evils that lurk online. With other states like Utah and Virginia also implementing age verification measures, it’s clear that the conservative stronghold of Florida is leading the charge in safeguarding our children from the perils of the digital age.

Written by Staff Reports

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