
DeSantis Slams Gov: ‘God First’, Pushes Faith Support

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is making a strong play for the faith vote as he launches his national Faith and Family Coalition. With the motto ‘God Above Government,’ DeSantis is appealing to voters of faith across the country. And it seems to be working. According to the latest news, over 100 pastors and religious leaders in Iowa have pledged their support to the Republican presidential hopeful.

DeSantis’ campaign credits his unwavering commitment to pro-life values, religious liberties, and family values as the reason for growing support within the faith community. It’s clear that his message is resonating with Iowans, as many pastors and religious leaders have come forward to rally behind him.

As DeSantis brings his campaign to Iowa, he is accompanied by his family, making multiple stops at churches along the way. This personal touch and display of family values adds to his appeal among religious voters. Pastors like Darran Whiting from Liberty Baptist Church in Linn County and Earl Beal from Joy Baptist Church in Lee County have expressed their full support for DeSantis, praising his boldness in defending what is right and his commitment to putting God first.

In other news, Fox News is getting in on the action with an exclusive televised debate between DeSantis and California Gov. Gavin Newsom. The debate, titled “DeSantis vs. Newsom: The Great Red vs. Blue State Debate,” will be hosted by primetime host Sean Hannity. The event will focus on major issues impacting the country and will give the two governors a chance to showcase their political philosophies and ambitions for the nation. Hannity will cover topics such as the economy, the border, immigration, crime, and inflation, with both governors given equal opportunity to respond.

Moving on, a recent study by the Cato Institute has ranked the states based on their level of personal and economic freedom. New Hampshire came out on top as the freest state, while New York landed in last place. The study examines various policy categories, from taxation to occupational licensing, and provides a comprehensive look at the freedom quotient in each state.

Lastly, the dangers faced by journalists in conflict zones like Gaza continue to be a grave concern. Three more journalists were killed during Israel’s offensive in the territory, bringing the total number of journalists killed to 48. The Committee to Protect Journalists highlights the sacrifices made by journalists in the region and the threats they face on a daily basis.

According to a recent Quinnipiac University poll, 58% of registered U.S. voters believe that China poses the greatest threat to the United States. This sentiment is shared by 75% of Republicans, 58% of independents, and 41% of Democrats. Russia comes in second place, with 22% of overall respondents seeing it as the greatest threat. Iran and North Korea trail behind, with only 9% and 6% respectively believing they pose the greatest threat.

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, DeSantis is making a strong case for himself among voters of faith, while national security concerns remain at the forefront of the American electorate’s minds.

Written by Staff Reports

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