
DeSantis Slams Trump on LGBTQ: Desperate Attack or Top Gun Move?

Attacks between 2024 GOP presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis (R-Fla) are heating up faster than a Florida summer, folks. In the latest bout of political sparring, DeSantis’s campaign decided to take a low blow, posting a controversial video that tries to criticize Trump’s stance on LGBTQ issues.

Now, let’s set the scene. It’s Pride Month, and progressives are busy waving those colorful flags and doing their whole rainbow thing. Trying to capitalize on the moment, DeSantis’s team dug up an old video of Trump saying he “will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens.” What a scandal! I mean, who could possibly want to protect LGBTQ folks? Certainly not conservatives.

But here’s the thing, folks. The video conveniently forgets to mention that Trump made those comments after the tragic shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. You know, the one where 49 innocent people lost their lives? Yeah, pretty important detail there. But hey, who needs context when you’re trying to sling mud at your opponent?

The video continues its Trump-bashing spree, claiming that he supports Caitlyn Jenner using any restroom she wants if she visits the White House. Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think the gender of the person using the restroom is high up on anyone’s priority list. But apparently, DeSantis and his team think that’s a juicy tidbit to attack Trump with.

To top it all off, the video compares DeSantis to Tom Cruise’s character in Top Gun, calling him a “real wolf who has arrived.” Look, I appreciate a good movie reference as much as the next person, but what does Top Gun have to do with LGBTQ issues? It’s like they threw darts at a movie poster to choose their random comparison.

And surprise, surprise, the video didn’t exactly receive glowing reviews. The Log Cabin Republicans, a group of LGBTQ conservatives, called it “divisive and desperate.” Ouch. Even the New York Times got in on the action, with one of their reporters calling it “truly one of the weirdest videos I’ve ever seen a politician put out.” I mean, when the Times is mocking you, you know you’ve gone off the rails.

Here’s the thing about DeSantis, folks. While he’s been fighting against the Left’s attempts to indoctrinate our children with their anti-American LGBTQ agenda, he’s also been the champion of pro-family values. He’s passed bills to protect children and their families from the radical Left. So, maybe instead of pulling out weird videos that attack your opponent, DeSantis should focus on highlighting his own accomplishments. Just a friendly suggestion, Governor.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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