
DeSantis Slams Woke Outrage, Defends Bold Pride Ad: True Conservative Champion

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is standing his ground and defending a recent pride ad that was shared by his campaign. Of course, this video immediately triggered a wave of outrage from the left and some weak-kneed folks on the right, but does DeSantis bend to the woke whims of the mob? Absolutely not!

The ad, created by the brave minds behind the Twitter account Proud Elephant, dared to criticize former President Trump’s support for LGBTQ rights. It then went on to highlight DeSantis’s own track record, showing that he is truly the one who deserves recognition for “Pride Month.” And you know what? The DeSantis War Room didn’t hesitate to share it, much to the chagrin of the easily triggered.

Predictably, the Log Cabin Republicans, a group claiming to represent LGBT conservatives, threw a hissy fit and declared the ad as “homophobic.” Oh please, spare us the melodrama! It’s obvious that these folks have wandered off the path of true conservatism and embraced the leftist agenda. Even Bruce…err…Caitlyn Jenner and Ric Grenell, former acting director of national intelligence, jumped on the virtue signaling bandwagon. It’s truly disappointing to see them succumb to the pressure of the radical left.

But while DeSantis faced criticism from all sides, he boldly declared that the ad was completely fair game. He even had the audacity to point out that Trump’s support for gender ideology during his beauty pageant days can’t be ignored. After all, who can forget the shock and outrage when men started competing against women in these pageants? It was an utter affront to common sense and fairness.

DeSantis didn’t stop there, though. He also called out Trump for his recent flip-flopping on gender issues. It seems that Trump, ever the politician, is now pandering to the masses by claiming he doesn’t support men competing in women’s sports. But DeSantis won’t be fooled by this political calculation. He knows that protecting the rights of women and girls in sports is paramount, and he will fight tooth and nail to ensure they aren’t marginalized by misguided progressive policies.

In a refreshing moment of truth-telling, DeSantis emphasized the importance of a society rooted in truth, not fleeting social fads. And boy, does he hit the nail on the head! Our culture is being hijacked by the whims of the woke, and it’s time for true conservatives like DeSantis to take a stand. No more pandering, no more bending the knee to the ever-shifting winds of political correctness. It’s time for principled leadership, and DeSantis is leading the charge.

Source: Townhall

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