
DeSantis Strikes Again: New Law Sends Illegals Fleeing FL & Liberals Furious!

Taxpayers, brace yourselves! It’s time for another episode of “Tax Dollars Gone Wild: The Illegal Immigration Edition.” That’s right, folks, those sneaky illegal immigrants are gobbling up services and benefits left and right, all while Uncle Sam foots the bill. And who can blame them? With jobs aplenty in hospitality, farming, and food services, thanks to the Biden administration’s open-door policy, it’s like a buffet of opportunities for these lawbreakers.

But fear not, my fellow conservatives! In the land of sunshine and alligators, Florida Republicans are riding in on their trusty steeds to save the day. Governor Ron DeSantis, the champion of common sense, has just signed SB 1718, a piece of legislation so anti-illegal immigration that it’s officially considered the strongest in the whole darn country! Take that, liberal do-gooders!

Now, what does this law entail, you ask? Well, let me tell you. One juicy nugget is the prohibition of issuing driver’s licenses to those who can’t prove their lawful presence in the country. I mean, seriously, why should someone who’s here illegally get a fancy government-issued ID that lets them enjoy all the perks and privileges that law-abiding residents have? It’s like giving a gold medal to the runner who cheated through the whole race. Not on Florida’s watch!

As if that wasn’t enough to make illegal immigrants squirm, the law also declares out-of-state driver’s licenses issued to these lawbreakers invalid. So, if you thought you could get away with using that New York license while roaming sunny Florida, think again! DeSantis is coming for you and your fraudulent piece of plastic!

But wait, it gets even better! This awesome legislation slams employers and transportation companies that dare to hire or transport undocumented migrants. And when I say it slams them, I mean it hits ’em like a ton of bricks. Critics may whine and moan that it might even include targeting family members, but hey, no one said fighting illegal immigration was for the faint of heart.

Oh, and let’s not forget the cherry on top of this patriotic sundae. Hospitals that gulp down Medicaid funds are now required to ask patients about their immigration status. It’s about time we start giving our healthcare dollars to those who actually deserve them, not to those who hopped the border without a care in the world.

And guess what, folks? This law is already showing its magic! According to a CBS report, migrant workers are beginning to flee the Sunshine State. Yvette Cruz, with the Farmworkers Association of Florida, spilled the beans, admitting that people are abandoning fields and construction sites. You know what they say: When the heat is on, it’s time to hightail it outta town!

So, there you have it, dear readers. With Florida leading the charge against illegal immigration, other states better take notes and follow suit. It’s high time we put an end to this madness. And while we’re at it, let’s make sure that those shady driver’s licenses from Delaware, Connecticut, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont are as worthless as a broken pencil. Because when it comes to illegal immigration, Florida is saying, “Not in our backyard!” Let freedom ring!

Source: Townhall

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