
DeSantis Team Stirs Pot with Bold Claim: Trump, a Woke Gender Ideology Pioneer?

In a recent move that has left many scratching their heads, Team DeSantis, the Rapid Response team for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, released a video attempting to label former President Donald Trump as a “pioneer” of woke gender ideology. The video specifically targeted Trump’s past support for the LGBTQ community and his stance on issues like transgender athletes in sports. DeSantis defended the attack ad during an interview, stating that Trump injected gender ideology into the mainstream by having men compete against women in his beauty pageants. However, this attack strategy is not only misguided, but it also misses the mark on what makes Trump appealing to his base.

Let’s be honest here – nobody in the conservative base is buying into this narrative. Trying to go “anti-woke” against Trump is simply not a winning strategy. Trump has been a staunch opponent of far-left ideology, and his appeal goes beyond just opposing wokeism. His supporters appreciate his stance on various issues and his outspokenness. DeSantis risks coming across as a one-dimensional candidate if he continues to harp on being anti-woke. He needs to show that he offers more than just a fight against wokeness if he wants to be seen as a serious contender against Trump.

Moreover, DeSantis should focus on discussing policy instead of solely being anti-woke. This is an opportunity for him to demonstrate his depth and understanding of the complex issues facing our nation. Trump, on the other hand, has never based his entire political brand on being anti-woke. He has delved into substantial policy discussions on topics like the economy, immigration, and crime. DeSantis needs to follow suit if he wants to have a chance at surpassing Trump as the standard-bearer for the GOP.

And let’s not forget that there are more effective areas to attack Trump on. For instance, Trump supported COVID-19 lockdowns more than DeSantis ever did. Remember when he criticized Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for opening up the state earlier than federal guidance advised? Furthermore, Trump remained relatively silent on state governments imposing mask and vaccine mandates while not adhering to those same restrictions themselves. This is just one example of where Team DeSantis could direct its attack. Immigration is another vulnerable area for Trump. He implemented some favorable policies, but he never finished the promised border wall. Painting him as a purple-haired social justice warrior is simply not a winning strategy.

If DeSantis wants to have a chance at victory, he needs to steer away from this misguided attack strategy. He should present himself as a candidate with substance by providing clear policy proposals and showing his leadership abilities. Continuing down this path of attacking Trump as a pioneer of woke ideology will only lead to failure. It’s time for DeSantis to pivot and focus on what truly matters – leading and winning the support of the American people.

Source: RedState

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