
DeSantis Unfazed: Florida’s Red Corner Stays Strong in 2020 Election

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, a stalwart conservative, confidently declared that the Sunshine State won’t even break a sweat in the upcoming presidential election. With Florida firmly in the red corner, DeSantis sees no need to rally for Trump in his own backyard – after all, why fix what ain’t broke?

Having gracefully bowed out of the presidential race earlier in the year, DeSantis sees the writing on the wall. With Trump dominating the recent primary in Florida, securing all 125 delegates with a whopping 82% of the vote, it’s crystal clear that the Trump train has no intention of slowing down anytime soon.

DeSantis, a man who knows a thing or two about winning in Florida, pointed out that the state has shifted significantly to the right in recent years. No longer a nail-biter, Florida has firmly embraced its conservative roots, a trend he expects to continue in the upcoming election.

It’s no surprise that DeSantis is focusing his efforts on local campaigns where he believes his influence will be crucial. After all, why waste time on a done deal when there are battles to be won closer to home?

And speaking of battles, DeSantis didn’t hold back when throwing shade at former candidate Nikki Haley and the “old Republican guard.” For DeSantis, backing Trump is a no-brainer – a stark contrast to Haley’s lukewarm stance. While Haley dithers on the sidelines, DeSantis stands firmly in the Trump camp, ready to fight for the conservative values that have made Florida a Republican stronghold.

In conclusion, with DeSantis leading the charge, Florida seems poised to deliver another resounding victory for Trump. So, buckle up, folks, the Sunshine State is staying true to its conservative roots, and DeSantis is at the helm, ready to take on whatever challenges come his way.

Written by Staff Reports

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