
DeSantis’ War on Woke: Bye Agencies, Hello Border Wall!

Attention all conservatives! Hold onto your MAGA hats because Governor Ron DeSantis is making waves with some bold statements that will surely make liberals cringe! In a recent interview with Fox News, DeSantis, who is eyeing a presidential run in 2024, announced his plans to shut down several government agencies if he were to become the Commander-in-Chief.

But wait, there’s more! DeSantis didn’t hold back as he set his sights on the Department of Education, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and even the Department of Commerce and Energy. He’s ready to take a sledgehammer to the bloated bureaucracy and reduce the size and scope of government. Can you hear the sound of liberal heads exploding?

In an exclusive interview with Martha McCallum, DeSantis bravely proclaimed, “We don’t need these agencies meddling in our lives anymore. It’s time to shake things up!” And shake things up he will, as he plans to use these agencies to push back against the so-called “woke ideology” and leftist infiltration that has run rampant in our institutions.

Because let’s face it, folks, the left has infected our schools, our economy, and even our beloved tax collection system. It’s high time for a conservative warrior like DeSantis to step in and put an end to this madness. Say goodbye to indoctrination and hello to common sense! The governor’s crusade is just beginning, and there’s no doubt that he’ll face an uphill battle against the radical left.

But that’s not all! DeSantis isn’t just focused on draining the swamp within our own borders; he also has his sights set on securing our nation’s borders. Just last week, he unveiled an immigration plan that has liberals shaking in their Birkenstocks. He’s ready to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens—finally putting an end to the infuriating incentives that drive illegal migration.

The governor’s plan, which includes continuing construction of the border wall, is a direct challenge to the failed policies of the past. By taking a firm stand against birthright citizenship, DeSantis is sending a strong message that the United States is not a free-for-all for those who break our laws. Finally, someone is willing to confront the issue head-on, forcing Congress and the courts to address the fundamental flaws in our immigration system.

Fellow patriots, Governor Ron DeSantis is the conservative champion we’ve been waiting for. With his unwavering commitment to shrinking the government and securing our borders, he’s proving that he’s not afraid to tackle the tough issues that the left consistently ignores. So, get ready for a conservative revolution because DeSantis is leading the charge to restore sanity, liberty, and common-sense conservatism to the United States of America! God bless Governor DeSantis, and God bless the USA!

Source: Townhall

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