
Desperate SI Replaces Reporters with AI Fakes: Can We Trust Them Again?

Sports Illustrated, the struggling liberal sports magazine, has resorted to desperate measures to keep up with the brain drain among mainstream media outlets. They have replaced their reporters with fictitious bylines and AI-driven news stories. Can you believe it? They couldn’t even find real reporters to write for them!

Futurism caught Sports Illustrated in the act, posting biographies of reporters who simply don’t exist. They even went so far as to use headshots of nonexistent individuals created by artificial intelligence programs. How low can they sink? One of these fake reporters, Drew Ortiz, appeared to be a young white man with a vacant smile. But guess what? The photograph was actually made for sale on an AI website and marketed as a “neutral white young-adult male with short brown hair and blue eyes.” So much for diversity and representation!

But the deception doesn’t end there. Sports Illustrated didn’t stop at fake reporters; they also had articles written by bots. Can you imagine getting your sports news from a soulless, automated program? It’s hard to believe that anyone still takes them seriously.

Sources interviewed by Futurism confirmed the fakery. They were shocked to discover that these fake reporters not only had made-up biographies but also fake descriptions of their personal lives. Descriptions like “John lives in Houston, Texas. He loves yard games and hanging out with his dog, Sam.” It’s truly absurd! Who falls for this kind of nonsense?

When confronted with these allegations, The Arena Group, which licenses Sports Illustrated, attempted to blame a contractor for the confusion. Classic liberal move, always trying to deflect blame and avoid taking responsibility. They claim that the articles were licensed content from an external company, but we all know that’s just a cover-up. They can’t admit the truth, that Sports Illustrated has sunk so low that they’re resorting to AI-generated content.

Let’s be real here, folks. The evidence is clear. Even though they deny it, there’s no doubt that the content on Sports Illustrated’s website is absolutely AI-generated. Just read some of the articles they’ve published. They’re soulless and void of any actual insight. Volleyball is described as a sport that “can be a little tricky to get into, especially without an actual ball to practice with.” I mean, really? Are we supposed to take this seriously?

It’s a good thing that Futurism exposed this deceptive behavior. Once they started asking questions, all the questionable content magically disappeared from Sports Illustrated’s website. But the damage has already been done. It’s clear that Sports Illustrated has lost its integrity and is willing to deceive its readers for the sake of staying relevant. We deserve better than this, America. We deserve real news from real reporters, not AI-generated fluff.

Written by Staff Reports

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