
Devon Archer Drops Bombshell on the ‘Big Guy’: Biggs Exposes All!

Rep. Andy Biggs has revealed some damning testimony from Devon Archer before the House Oversight Committee. The testimony reportedly delivers a significant blow to the Bidens’ narrative. According to Rep. Dan Goldman, Archer confirmed that Joe Biden was on phone calls into business meetings approximately 20 times, contradicting previous claims that Biden had no involvement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings. It seems like the Bidens were trying to show Hunter’s influence by putting Joe Biden on the phone. As more evidence comes out, it’s clear that the elder Biden lied and Congress needs to investigate why he lied.

In addition to this revelation, Archer also revealed that the Bidens sold “access” as their “brand.” This further supports claims made by others, including Tony Bobulinski, that Joe Biden is the “Big Guy” in the business dealings. Archer even went as far as to say that Burisma would have gone under if it weren’t for Joe Biden and his brand. This testimony paints a picture of a compromised Joe Biden and raises questions about the extent of his involvement in the business deals.

It’s interesting to see how desperate the Bidens and their supporters are becoming as more pieces of the puzzle are revealed. They’re resorting to nonsensical arguments and trying to tug at heartstrings to distract from the damning evidence. But the truth cannot be swept under the rug. The transcript of the testimony will likely reveal even more information that the Bidens would rather keep hidden. It’s time for Congress to do its job and get to the bottom of this.

Written by Staff Reports

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