
DOJ Monitors Conservative Moms Group Like KKK Raising Free Speech Concerns

The Justice Department (DOJ) was reported to have investigated a conservative group called Moms for Liberty in a similar way to how they monitored the Klu Klux Klan (KKK). The DOJ’s Community Relations Service, which works on handling community tensions and hate crimes, kept an eye on Moms for Liberty along with symbols of hate like the noose, Confederate flag, and Swastika. This monitoring of the group was likened to how they also watched over the KKK and the Oath Keepers, according to internal emails received by the Daily Wire.

It was revealed that the DOJ reached out to local officials using email accounts to push them into accepting their assistance. An example of this was seen when a DOJ “Conciliation Specialist” named Hannah Levine emailed school board officials in Roanoke County to offer help in handling community tensions following the release of new policies for transgender students. The purpose of the monitoring and whether Moms for Liberty was involved in any hate crimes was not clarified by the DOJ.

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice expressed their disapproval of being monitored by the federal government, stressing that advocating for parental rights and children’s well-being should not be labeled as hate. The group urged the Department of Justice to clarify their stance on the issue. The news report did not include any comments from the DOJ regarding their investigation of Moms for Liberty.

This story sheds light on the potential overreach of government agencies in monitoring conservative groups, raising concerns about the protection of free speech and parental rights. Conservative individuals and organizations should be able to voice their opinions and advocate for causes they believe in without facing unwarranted scrutiny or being equated to hate groups. It is essential for the government to prioritize upholding the principles of democracy and respecting the rights of all citizens, regardless of their political beliefs.

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