
DOJ Shields Levine: AL Child Sex Change Ban Under Fire!

In a bold move, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has come to the rescue of Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, intervening to protect her from being exposed in Alabama litigation concerning the state’s ban on child transgender sex changes. According to Fox News, Alabama’s attorney general, Steve Marshall, is currently defending the state against a lawsuit over a law that criminalizes prescribing sex change drugs to transgender children, carrying a potential prison sentence of up to 10 years.

The DOJ, eager to defend its liberal agenda, has requested to become a party in the lawsuit against Alabama’s ban on sex changes for minors. This move is intended to shield federal agencies from any scrutiny or questioning regarding their so-called “expertise” on the matter. Discovery, which involves the presentation and request for evidence before trial, would potentially expose the biased and misguided views of individuals like Rachel Levine.

The Alabama attorney general believes that Levine, as a prominent figure in the Health and Human Services Department, actively advocates for sex changes in children. In court filings, he emphasized her role as a leading public-facing official in the government when it comes to transitioning treatments for minors. Levine’s track record of endorsing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors, overseeing the division at HHS responsible for publishing federal guidance on child sex changes, and even lecturing physicians who discuss these treatments makes her a prime candidate for custody of relevant communications and documents.

Surprisingly, the United States refused to make Levine a custodian, denying access to her communications and documents relevant to the litigation. The DOJ attempted to block the request by offering Levine’s former subordinate for discovery, along with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response using unrelated search terms. This obstructionist behavior is concerning but not unexpected from an administration that prioritizes political correctness over the well-being and safety of our children.

Levine’s glowing praise of a gender clinic that promotes “woke” ideas about biological sex and even refers to mothers as “egg producers” further underscores her dangerous and radical agenda. The DOJ argues that Alabama’s ban on sex changes denies necessary medical care to children simply because of their identity, labeling it as discriminatory against trans-identified youth. While they may paint this issue as a matter of medical care, it is clear that the true motivation is to normalize harmful and irreversible procedures on vulnerable minors.

It is disheartening to witness the Biden administration’s blatant attempts to protect individuals like Rachel Levine from facing the consequences of their actions. These actions not only undermine the rights and values of the American people but also endanger the well-being of our children. It is imperative that we continue to stand up for the truth and reject the radical ideology that seeks to exploit and harm our most vulnerable.

Written by Staff Reports

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