
DOJ Targets Trump, Hillary Cashes In: Double Standards Revealed!

With the Department of Justice (DOJ) levying charges against former President Trump for mishandling classified documents, conspiracy, and obstruction, the Biden administration’s political agenda is evident as it targets a leading political adversary. The Democratic party seems to be celebrating this development, enthusiastically reminding everyone that “no one is above the law,” while conservative factions rightfully voice their discontent over this politically motivated prosecution. Yet, it’s Hillary Clinton’s reaction to the situation that truly takes audacity to a new level.

Cynically leveraging the indictment of a political opponent for fundraising, Clinton’s actions are unprecedented and worthy of a dubious distinction. She not only flaunts her own evasion of legal repercussions but does so while Trump faces potentially grave charges, a situation that highlights her audacity and disregard for accountability.

For those who might not recall, Clinton was squarely implicated in 2016 following the exposure of her private email server. She removed classified labels from government documents, uploaded them to her personal server located in her bathroom, and some of those emails ended up on a convicted sex offender’s laptop. In an attempt to cover her tracks when discovered, she destroyed evidence being sought by the FBI using “bleach bit.” There has rarely been a more transparent violation of the Espionage Act. The only reason she avoided prosecution was because then FBI Director James Comey controversially interpreted the law, implying “no reasonable prosecutor” would take on the case. That claim was unfounded then and remains so now.

When discussing Trump’s indictment, it’s crucial to recognize why it is so objectionable. Not that special counsel Jack Smith hasn’t assembled a solid case; indeed, barring unexpected developments, Trump stands a high chance of being convicted. But the heart of the matter is that this indictment unfolds in the shadow of the DOJ and FBI previously allowing multiple high-ranking Democrats to evade prosecution for similar offenses. A fair justice system would treat all politicians equally, yet it’s clear that this is not the case. Thus, the DOJ’s choice to pursue this indictment against Trump during an election year, timed to disrupt the Republican party’s chances against Joe Biden, is highly troubling.

It’s time to overhaul these institutions comprehensively. However, this can only be accomplished if the GOP reclaims power and initiates necessary changes. Rest assured, RedState will continue to deliver conservative insights on all political matters.

Written by Staff Reports

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