
DOJ’s Wild Wanderings in Hunter Biden Probe Exposed in 78-Page Report

The House Judiciary, Ways and Means, and Oversight Committees have unveiled a groundbreaking report which reveals potential dubious activities undertaken by the Justice Department (DOJ) throughout its investigation into Hunter Biden. There are numerous instances of political interference and dubious decisions detailed in the 78-page staff report, which raises grave concerns about the investigation's integrity.

The fact that the Justice Department prevented United States Attorney David Weiss from filing more severe charges against Hunter Biden not once, but twice, is among the most troubling findings. This prompts the inquiry as to why the DOJ would obstruct the prosecution of the son of the president. Is it possible that they are concealing something?

An additional noteworthy disclosure pertains to the refusal of Attorney General Merrick Garland to designate a special counsel for the tax investigation. This action might have effectively established a crucial delineation between Joe Biden and his department of justice. However, Garland opted to maintain a cordial atmosphere between the investigators and the president. Their apparent aversion towards independent scrutiny of their actions is evident.

However, arguably the most damning evidence is Joe Biden's purported involvement. Lesley Wolf, an assistant U.S. attorney, forbade investigators from inquiring as to whether Joe Biden was called "the big guy." Is it not practical that they refrained from discussing that? There is mounting evidence that the president may have been involved in the dubious business dealings of his son.

Additionally, Hunter Biden's tax deductions for expenditures to sex clubs and prostitutes should not be overlooked. Who the hell deducts such an item from their tax return? This incident further exemplifies the dubious ethical standards of the Biden family.

This report unequivocally establishes that the Hunter Biden investigation was marred by significant deviations and political interference. The Department of Justice has a substantial amount of information to clarify, and it is evident that further revelations remain. President Biden should be subjected to a formal impeachment investigation in light of these findings. The American people are entitled to both answers and justice. Accountability is required in the highest office in the nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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