
Downward Spiral: Biden’s America Suffers as Trust in Institutions Plummet

Americans recently celebrated the founding of their nation with parades, fireworks, and delicious barbecues. However, amidst all the festivities, a new poll from Fox News burst everyone’s bubble by revealing that only 39 percent of Americans say they are proud of their country. This disheartening number is just a reflection of the larger trend of declining faith in the core institutions that define America.

According to an annual Gallup poll, Americans have lost confidence in 16 American institutions. The presidency took the biggest hit, with a mere 26 percent expressing faith in that institution. The Supreme Court didn’t fare much better, earning a confidence ranking of 27 percent. The nation’s newspapers and the criminal justice system both received low rankings as well, with only 18 percent and 17 percent expressing faith, respectively. Big business and television news tied at a woeful 14 percent, and coming in last place is none other than Congress, with a meager eight percent expressing confidence.

Unsurprisingly, much of the loss of confidence in the office of the President can be attributed to the current occupant and his lackluster job performance. In South Carolina, where Joe Biden took an economic victory lap, most residents believe that the economy has worsened in the past year, and Biden himself has a 66 percent disapproval rating. This sentiment is echoed across the nation, as 75 percent of Americans believe that the economy is deteriorating. There are a few bright spots in the poll, such as confidence in the police at 43 percent, the military at 60 percent, and small businesses at 65 percent. However, the overall average confidence in American institutions is at an all-time low of 26 percent, and this decline has occurred under Joe Biden’s watch.

Other institutions that have experienced a loss in confidence are those that have been embroiled in controversial current events. For instance, faith in the medical system has dropped from 44 percent to 34 percent, likely due to new information emerging about the handling of the pandemic. Similarly, confidence in America’s public school system has decreased from 32 percent to 26 percent. However, it seems that Americans still maintain faith in faith itself, as confidence in the church and organized religion only saw a slight dip from 37 percent to 32 percent.

The diminishing pride and patriotism among Americans is directly linked to their declining faith in the nation’s institutions. The root cause of this loss of pride can be found in the education system, where divisive ideologies like critical race theory are being taught, potentially fostering hatred towards the country. If younger generations view America negatively, they will naturally feel less inclined to defend it. This is evident in the dismal military recruitment numbers. It’s no surprise that this disdain for the country spills over into antipathy for the institutions that form the very foundation of the nation.

The left has played a significant role in perpetuating this narrative that these institutions are harmful to certain groups of Americans. However, those old enough to remember the tail end of Jimmy Carter’s presidency may find a striking resemblance to the current state of affairs. It’s almost as if 2024 will mirror the transformative year of 1980.

In conclusion, under Joe Biden’s leadership, Americans’ faith in U.S. institutions has continued to decline. The nation’s core institutions have received historically low confidence ratings, with the presidency and the Supreme Court topping the list of institutions that Americans no longer trust. The current economic situation has only exacerbated this loss of faith. Additionally, the education system and divisive ideologies being taught have contributed to a decrease in pride and patriotism among Americans, further eroding their faith in the country’s institutions. It remains to be seen whether the tide will turn in favor of restoring trust and confidence in America’s core institutions.

Source: RedState

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