El Salvador’s new mega-prison is showing the world how to handle criminals. The CECOT facility is a tough place where bad guys learn their lesson. This prison holds the worst of the worst – gang members and violent offenders who terrorized communities.
President Nayib Bukele made this prison to clean up his country. Before he took charge, gangs controlled whole neighborhoods. Now El Salvador has the lowest murder rate in our part of the world. The prison keeps criminals locked up 24 hours a day with concrete floors and metal beds. They get just 30 minutes outside their cells to walk in empty hallways.
America is teaming up with El Salvador to fight crime. The Trump administration started sending gang members back to where they came from. Now we’re seeing a smart deal where U.S. criminals can be held in this foreign prison. This saves American taxpayers money and keeps our streets safer.
Some soft-hearted activists complain about prison conditions. But let’s be clear – these aren’t daycare centers. These are killers and drug dealers who showed no mercy to their victims. The left wants to coddle criminals while ignoring the pain they cause families. Bukele understands that strong punishment stops crime.
Journalist Nick Shirley saw the truth firsthand. He reported that inmates know they’ll never leave alive. One MS-13 killer admitted “we murdered a lot of people” and now face the consequences. These thugs used to brag about their crimes – now they cry alone in their cells at night.
El Salvador’s leaders aren’t playing games. They block cell signals so gangs can’t run operations from jail. Prisoners can’t have visitors or get special treatment. Every part of the prison is watched by armed guards and cameras. This is how you break the spirit of lawless gangs.
American politicians should take notes. While weak leaders let criminals walk free, Bukele locked up 80,000 gang members in two years. His approval rating tops 90% because people feel safe again. Sending U.S. criminals to CECOT means they can’t hurt our communities anymore.
This partnership shows real leadership. President Bukele offered to help America with our crime problem at low cost. Common sense conservatives know this deal puts citizens first. When we stand strong against crime and support allies like El Salvador, everyone wins.