
Elite Universities Mum on Condemning Calls for Jewish Genocide!

The Democrat Party’s disregard for the Jewish people is on full display once again, as the presidents of Harvard, Penn, and MIT refuse to condemn the calls for genocide against Jews on their campuses. It’s truly mind-boggling that these so-called educators would defend such hateful rhetoric.

In a recent hearing, Rep. Elise Stefanik asked these university presidents a direct question: “Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate your school’s code of conduct?” Shockingly, all three of them refused to answer. It’s clear that among Democrats, calling for the mass murder of Jews is not considered bullying, harassment, or hate speech.

Harvard President Claudine Gay even admitted that her students have called for the genocide of Jews, but she refused to acknowledge that it violates Harvard’s code of conduct. Similarly, MIT’s Sally Kornbluth and Penn’s Liz Magill evaded the question.

These university presidents are essentially admitting that their own students have openly called for the mass murder of Jews, and yet they defend it as protected speech. They claim that there is some kind of “context” that makes this type of violence acceptable. But there is no context that justifies such horrific and hateful acts against a specific group of people.

It’s truly disturbing to see these university presidents prioritize protecting their students’ right to call for violence over the safety and well-being of the Jewish community. This is yet another example of the Democrat Party’s disregard for the Jewish people.

But the real question is, what will the Jewish Democrats who support these university presidents and the Democrat Party do now? Will they continue to support a party that refuses to condemn the calls for genocide against their own people? It’s time for them to seriously reconsider their allegiances.

The silence from the Kristallmonths Party, as these university presidents continue to hold their positions without consequence, speaks volumes. It’s clear that the Democrat Party values protecting their own over standing up against hate and violence.

Furthermore, it’s disappointing to see influential Jewish Democrats like Steven Spielberg prioritize their Hollywood status over speaking out against the calls for genocide. Their silence is deafening and undermines any claims they make about standing up for the Jewish people.

Jewish Democrats need to be honest with themselves and acknowledge that their support for the Democrat Party is contradictory to their own values. The slogan of “Never Again” loses all meaning when they continue to support a party that turns a blind eye to the threats and violence against their own community.

In the end, it’s clear that the Democrat Party’s priorities lie elsewhere. They are more interested in pushing their radical agenda than in protecting the Jewish people. It’s a sad reality, but one that Jewish Democrats must confront if they truly want to stand up for their own community.

Written by Staff Reports

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