
Elites Fork Out $40k to Sup with Xi! Biden & Big Tech Bow to Beijing

When China’s President Xi Jinping strolled into San Francisco, the bigwigs from Washington, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley couldn’t wait to kiss up to him. They didn’t just roll out the red carpet, they paid a whopping $40,000 apiece for the privilege of dining with the Communist Chinese leader. It was like a big, fancy love fest for Xi Jinping!

And guess who else was there? None other than President Joe Biden, who bent over backward to shut down any talk of distancing from our number one enemy – China. Biden just can’t get enough of cozying up to those Communists!

But fear not, dear readers, because Seamus Bruner’s newest book, “Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life,” lifts the curtain on the sleazy dealings of the global elites and their favorite politicians like Biden and California Governor Gavin Newsom. They’re not just turning a blind eye to China’s threats, they’re cozying up and making America more like our Communist foes.

BlackRock’s Larry Fink, Apple’s Tim Cook, and Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman were all in on the schmooze-fest with Xi. They even gave the Chairman a standing ovation! Talk about brown-nosing.

But the lovefest didn’t stop there. Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg even bought several copies of Xi’s book and proudly displayed one on his desk, supposedly to learn about “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” He even offered to let Xi pick the Chinese name for his kid, but Xi wasn’t buying it. And what do you know? Meta announced a new VR partnership with China’s Tencent. Coincidence? We think not!

Why stop at tech moguls? It turns out, Fauci and Gates also couldn’t resist the allure of China’s dictatorial ways. Fauci’s henchman even jetted off to China to take notes on their pandemic response – never mind the fact that it was as brutal as they come. But hey, if China’s doing it, it must be good, right?

And lo and behold, Fauci, Gates, and their buddy Zuckerberg raked in the dough during the pandemic. Gates even added a cool $20 billion to his pockets, while Zuckerberg nearly doubled his net worth. Seems that CCP-style lockdowns really do pay off – for some people, at least!

But the fun doesn’t stop there. Bruner’s book also peels back the curtain on how the Controligarchs plan to make bank off climate change and how they’re aiming for a dystopian social-credit-score system straight out of the CCP’s playbook. It’s like a real-life villainous plot unfolding before our very eyes!

Stay woke, folks. The Controligarchs and their pals in Washington, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley are cozying up to China and selling out America. It’s a sordid tale of greed, power, and bending the knee to our enemies. Seamus Bruner’s book is a must-read to uncover the truth behind the globalist agenda and the dangers lurking within.

Written by Staff Reports

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