
Epstein: Elite’s Dark Secrets Exposed, ABC Muzzled Truth!

The truth about convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein is starting to come out! After four long years, the names in the court documents related to Epstein are being released, and it’s about time. But hold on to your hats, because there’s more to this story than meets the eye.

One brave reporter, Amy Robach, revealed in a leaked video that she had the inside scoop on the Epstein scandal a full three years before his demise. She even scored an exclusive interview with Epstein victim Virginia Guiffre in 2016, complete with damning photographic evidence implicating none other than the likes of Prince Andrew and former President Bill Clinton in Epstein’s twisted web.

ABC News, her former employer, shut her down. “Who’s Jeffrey Epstein?” they said. “No one knows who that is. This is a stupid story.” Seriously, ABC? The guy was connected to some of the most powerful men in the world, and you’re gonna act like he’s some nobody? 

Not only that, but Robach also claims that ABC caved to pressure from the Palace and worried more about their precious interviews with British royalty than exposing the sick, depraved truth about Epstein. 

In response to the leaked video, ABC News gave some half-baked excuse about not meeting their “standards” to air the story. Yeah, right. If Robach had all the evidence and interviews, what more did they need? It’s clear as day that ABC was just trying to sweep this whole thing under the rug.

The fact that it took this long for the truth to come to light is sickening. The establishment media has a lot to answer for. It’s not just the monsters like Epstein who should be held accountable – it’s also those who tried to cover for him. It’s time for the truth to shine through, and for justice to be served.

We can only hope that with these names coming out, those responsible for these heinous crimes will finally be brought to justice. But let’s not forget the role that the mainstream media played in all of this. It’s time for them to be held accountable too.

In the fight for truth and justice, we can’t afford to hang separately. We need to stand together and demand the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. And hey, if you want to support the fight against leftism and biased media, why not join The Western Journal? For less than the price of a coffee, you can make a difference and help in the battle for truth.


Written by Staff Reports

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