
Epstein Pal Hoffman Backs Carroll’s Trump Smear Campaign

In a shocking turn of events, E. Jean Carroll, who has been making wild and baseless claims against former President Donald Trump, has found an ally in the infamous Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn and a close associate of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Yes, you heard that right! The same Reid Hoffman who has admitted to visiting Epstein’s despicable “Pedophile Island” is now throwing his weight behind Carroll’s ludicrous allegations.

This week, the penalty phase of Carroll’s civil case against President Trump commenced, stemming from comments he made in 2019 rejecting Carroll’s unfounded claims of rape. Despite Carroll’s inability to recall the year of the alleged assault and the absence of any witnesses to support her outrageous accusations, U.S. Judge Lewis A. Kaplan astonishingly ruled in her favor, awarding her a whopping $5 million in damages. This is an absolute travesty of justice and a testament to the biased nature of the legal system.

Adding another layer of absurdity to this circus, Reid Hoffman, a billionaire Democrat mega-donor, publicly declared his support for Carroll, proudly acknowledging his financial backing of her lawsuit against Trump. Not only is Hoffman a prominent supporter of the Never Trump movement, but he also shamelessly boasted about championing women’s causes while conveniently overlooking his disturbing ties to Epstein. It is beyond ironic that a man who claims to support women’s rights has cozy connections to a convicted sex offender.

What’s more, Hoffman’s connections to Epstein go even deeper, as he not only visited “Little Saint James,” Epstein’s island of horrors, but also had the audacity to apologize for ever meeting with Epstein. This is the height of hypocrisy and demonstrates the lengths to which the liberal elites will go to push their agenda, even if it means aligning themselves with individuals involved in the most heinous crimes.

As the courtroom drama escalates, U.S. Judge Lewis A. Kaplan went as far as threatening to kick President Trump out of the proceedings, prompting a defiant response from Trump himself. The biased nature of this trial does not bode well for justice, and it is clear that Carroll and her liberal cohorts will stop at nothing to smear the reputation of a duly elected president. It’s a disgrace, folks, an absolute disgrace.

Written by Staff Reports

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