
Ethics Shocker: Biden’s SCOTUS Pick Hides Hubby’s Cash

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, a nominee hand-picked by President Joe Biden for all the wrong reasons, has been accused of two serious violations of ethics. Biden made it clear from the get-go that he was aiming to achieve his woke agenda by nominating a black woman to the Supreme Court, regardless of her qualifications. Jackson, despite her lack of transparency and questionable judgment, was confirmed by the Senate, with a few weak-kneed Republicans betraying their constituents and throwing their support behind her.

The Center for Renewing America has filed a complaint against Justice Jackson, shedding light on her willful failure to disclose crucial information about her husband’s medical malpractice consulting income for over ten years. This just shows that Jackson’s understanding of “transparency” is about as clear as mud. The complaint also raises concerns about her failure to report the private funding sources of her lavish investiture celebration at the Library of Congress in her most recent financial disclosure. It’s like she’s trying to hide something.

The complaint points out that Justice Jackson only admitted her husband’s consulting income omission when she was facing the possibility of being appointed to the Supreme Court. Talk about bad timing. It’s clear that she was trying to sweep her ethically-questionable conduct under the rug until she was put in the hot seat. By deliberately withholding this crucial information, Justice Jackson has created significant conflicts of interest, leaving the public and parties involved in cases before her in the dark.

And let’s not forget about her extravagant investiture celebration. Not only did she fail to disclose the private funding behind this event, but she also conveniently omitted details about gifts she received. With Jackson hiding these essential aspects, it’s impossible for the public to know if there are any conflicts of interest at play.

Justice Jackson’s behavior has raised serious red flags about her ability to serve on the highest court impartially. This is a clear case of a nominee who has proudly thrown ethics out the window, and now faces serious questions about her integrity. The American people deserve better, and it’s high time those in power hold Justice Jackson accountable for her unethical conduct.


Written by Staff Reports

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