
Even CNN Can’t Deny It: Trump’s 2024 Victory Looks Inevitable!

In a surprising turn of events, CNN has expressed their dismay that the mounting indictments against Donald Trump have not had a negative impact on his poll numbers. Writer Harry Enten seems to be scratching his head, wondering why all the efforts to indict and prosecute Trump have not changed the minds of voters. It seems that CNN is not taking into account the way Biden has been running the country since entering the White House. With skyrocketing inflation and border chaos, it’s no wonder Trump’s poll numbers remain strong.

But despite CNN’s dismay, there is a very real possibility that Donald Trump could win it all and return to the White House in 2024. CNN itself warns of this in a recent piece authored by Harry Enten. Despite the narrative from critics that the radical left wants Trump to be the nominee, many conservatives reject this idea. Especially considering the relentless targeting of Trump by the Biden Department of Justice, it’s clear that he still has a strong chance of winning.

And the polls back it up. Trump is not only in a historically strong position for a non-incumbent to win the Republican nomination, but he is also in a better position to win the general election than he was in 2020. His dominance in the polls, both nationally and at the state level, is undeniable. Even MSNBC’s polling confirms this, and it looks like Ron DeSantis might be moving in the wrong direction.

Even Democrat Senator John Fetterman from Pennsylvania admits that Trump still holds strong political pull in his state, despite the indictments. Fetterman acknowledges that Trump has been impeached twice and faced numerous legal challenges, but it hasn’t changed anything. Trump signs can still be seen everywhere in Pennsylvania, and Fetterman acknowledges the strength of his support.

So, despite all the indictments and legal battles, it seems that Trump is unstoppable. He has made it clear that criminal charges will not deter him from pursuing his 2024 White House bid. Even the radical left crazies, as Trump calls them, agree that nothing in the Constitution would prevent him from running. And with his recent rally in Erie, where he filled a 9,000 seat arena, Trump’s support is as strong as ever. It’s clear that Trump’s resilience and popularity cannot be ignored, no matter how hard CNN tries.

Written by Staff Reports

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