
Even Democrats Admit: Hunter Biden May Have Crossed the Law!

In a surprising turn of events, a House Democrat has broken ranks and acknowledged that Hunter Biden, the president’s son, may have actually broken the law. Representative Jim Himes of Connecticut, a Democrat, admitted that there is a possibility that Hunter Biden violated tax and gun laws, but was quick to dismiss any more serious allegations.

Himes stated, “If Hunter Biden broke the law, he should be prosecuted. And it is clear that he broke the law with respect to taxes and possibly the ownership of a handgun. He should be held accountable for that.” These words from a Democrat highlight the seriousness of the situation surrounding Hunter Biden’s questionable actions.

However, Himes couldn’t resist the urge to deflect and downplay the significance of these potential crimes. By using the word “possibly,” he tries to undermine the undeniable evidence against Hunter Biden. The public knows that Hunter lied on a gun form, which is a crime in itself, regardless of any presumption of innocence.

Furthermore, Himes conveniently chose to focus only on the crimes outlined in Hunter’s plea deal, which subsequently fell apart under the scrutiny of a judge. He conveniently ignored the mounting evidence of more serious offenses, such as money laundering and unregistered foreign lobbying. It’s clear that Himes is trying to protect the Biden family from facing any real consequences.

In a desperate attempt to shift blame, Himes accused Republicans of going easy on Donald Trump. He claimed, “If [Hunter] traded on his father’s influence, he should be held accountable for that. And I’m emphasizing this because you never, ever heard a Republican say the same thing about Donald Trump or his family.” This deflective tactic is a feeble attempt to divert attention away from the serious allegations against Hunter Biden.

It is becoming increasingly clear that Democrats are backpedaling and in damage control mode. Even as Himes tries to defend Joe Biden, he can’t deny the mounting evidence. Recent testimony from Devon Archer, Hunter’s former business partner, revealed that Hunter included his father in multiple foreign business meetings. This puts Joe Biden’s defenders in a difficult position, unable to explain away these troubling revelations.

The American people deserve the truth and accountability from their elected officials, regardless of party affiliation. Hunter Biden’s alleged actions should not be swept under the rug, and it’s time for Democrats to stop making excuses and face the facts. The attempt to dismiss these allegations as a “fever dream” only shows the desperation of those trying to protect the Bidens.

Written by Staff Reports

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