
Even Dems Admit: Hunter Biden Could Be Lawbreaker!

In a noteworthy change in rhetoric, a Democratic representative from Connecticut, Jim Himes, has admitted that Hunter Biden may have broken the law. However, he also argued that there is no evidence of anything more serious than tax and gun law violations. Himes stated, “If Hunter Biden broke the law, he should be prosecuted. And it is clear that he broke the law with respect to taxes and possibly the ownership of a handgun. He should be held accountable for that.” Finally, a Democrat acknowledging the wrongdoing!

But let’s not get too carried away with Himes’ remarks. First of all, his use of the word “possibly” is quite laughable considering the facts. Hunter Biden flat-out lied on a gun form, which is undeniably a crime. So why the hesitation in admitting the obvious? Typical Democratic deflection tactics at play here.

Furthermore, Himes conveniently chose to focus only on the crimes that were part of Hunter’s now-disgraced plea deal. He conveniently forgot to mention the more serious offenses like money laundering and unregistered foreign lobbying. It’s as if the Democrats want to downplay the severity of the situation and brush it under the rug.

And of course, Himes couldn’t resist deflecting the attention onto Republicans and Donald Trump. He accused them of going easy on Trump and not holding him accountable for any potential wrongdoing. Nice try, Himes, but we see right through your political games. The real issue here is Hunter Biden’s actions, not whataboutism.

Himes also claimed that there is zero evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealings. Well, that statement was made before bombshell testimony from Hunter’s former business partner, Devon Archer. Archer testified that Hunter would put his dad on speakerphone during numerous foreign business meetings. Oops, looks like Himes spoke too soon.

The Democrats are clearly in damage control mode, desperately backpedaling and trying to protect Joe Biden from any association with his son’s questionable activities. But the truth is slowly being revealed, and it’s not looking good for the Bidens. Time for the Democrats to face the music and stop defending the indefensible.

Written by Staff Reports

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