
Even Liberals Are Admitting It: Biden’s Debate Disaster is a National Embarrassment

The murmurs have turned into a roar as New York Post readers waste no time in dissecting and ridiculing President Biden’s latest debate performance. Calls for him to exit the race are swelling, and it’s not just coming from conservatives. Even some Liberals are starting to scratch their heads and wonder if Sleepy Joe should take a permanent nap from politics.

Biden’s stumble-filled debate performance last Thursday seemed like a sad rerun of all his greatest gaffes. Words were slurred, thoughts unfinished, and at one point, it seemed like he might nod off right there on stage. One has to give him credit for consistency. After all, it takes a special kind of talent to mess up that badly this frequently. 


Readers of the New York Post have not been shy in analyzing Biden’s latest fiasco. From his inability to form coherent sentences to his apparent confusion about whether he’s running for president or auditioning for a role in a senior living facility’s talent show, the criticism is pouring in thick and fast. A sizable chunk of the chatter is questioning how this man is still in the running. Some even speculate that the Democratic Party must be digging into its deepest reserves of wishful thinking to keep pretending that Biden is the best they have to offer.

It’s almost as if the Democratic strategy is driven by a desire to continually lower expectations. They’ve convinced themselves that if they set the bar low enough, any halfway-conscious performance from Biden will look like a victory. But after last Thursday, even their most stalwart supporters are beginning to see that the emperor has no clothes.

As the pressure mounts for Biden to step aside, one has to wonder if the Democrats are suddenly realizing they backed the wrong horse. Maybe it’s time they look in the mirror and come to terms with the fact that not all candidates are created equal. And honestly, if this is their big showstopper, maybe they should call it a night and go home.

Written by Staff Reports

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