
Ex-CIA Chief Won’t Admit Error: Hunter’s Laptop Not Russian Misinfo

In a shocking twist, it seems that former CIA director Leon Panetta has no remorse for spreading the false claim that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian misinformation. Can you believe it? This guy helped lead one of the most prestigious intelligence agencies in the world and he still stands by his decision to spread this falsehood. It’s truly mind-boggling.

Just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, social media companies, including Twitter, decided to censor reports about Hunter Biden’s laptop. And you know what they used as their excuse? They claimed it was Russian misinformation. Can you imagine censoring a story because it might help the other side? Talk about playing dirty!

But, of course, even the Washington Post eventually had to admit that they were wrong. The laptop story had nothing to do with the Russians. It was just another example of the mainstream media trying to manipulate the American people.

Now, here’s where Panetta comes in. This guy not only headed the CIA but also served as secretary of defense under President Obama. You would think someone with his experience would have better judgment. But no, Panetta was one of the 51 former high-ranking U.S. intelligence officials who signed a letter claiming that the laptop story was a Russian information operation.

Can you believe that? These so-called “intelligence officials” couldn’t even get their facts straight. They were so blinded by their own biases that they couldn’t see the truth right in front of them. It’s no wonder they’re former officials now.

But here’s the real kicker. A poll conducted in the swing states showed that one in six Biden voters would have changed their vote if they had known about the allegations involving his family. That’s a significant number. And yet, Panetta has the audacity to say he doesn’t regret anything. Well, I guess he doesn’t care about the will of the American people. Typical.

Panetta still insists that the laptop story could be Russian propaganda. Seriously? Even after all the evidence and the Washington Post’s backtrack, he still clings to this ridiculous theory. It just goes to show that some people will do anything to avoid facing the truth.

It’s clear that the censorship and misinformation surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop influenced the outcome of the election. But Panetta and his cronies don’t care. They were more interested in pushing their own narrative than ensuring that the American people had all the facts. It’s a sad state of affairs, but it’s the reality we live in. And it’s up to us to see through the lies and fight for the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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